Well I have been failing miserably at keeping up with my blog because I have been so darn busy working at DISNEY WORLD!!! So....that being said...I am going to attempt to recount day by day since I started. (The important stuff anyway...)
So I got here last Wednesday and checked in at the Vista Way apartments. It was super organized and i got my i.d, schedule and room key within 20 minutes. Then, my grandparents (who had kindly driven me there) and I drove to my apartment complex which is suuuuuper nice! I got all settled, met four of my five roommates and went off to Cast Services at Disney University to turn in my forms and all that jazz. I also found out where I was working. I am officially employed at Disney's Coronado Springs Resort! I work in the gift shop as a "Merchantainer" as Disney calls it :) Anyways...that night we went to Wal Mart to get some food and supplies etc.
These are my roommates (left to right) Amber, Kelly, Chelsea, Me, Jules, and Bethany!
Thursday we had our housing meeting! We learned all of the rules of our apartment complex and we learned about all the different activities that they have for us like beach trips, broadway shows, trips to other theme parks, sports, pool parties etc. :D This place is amaaaaaaaaaazing! We basically just hung out the rest of the day getting to know each other, going to the pool etc.
On Friday, we had our "Traditions" class. This basically teaches us about the past, present, and future of Disney. We also got a backstage tour of Magic Kingdom! It was way cool. So far, I have met a ton of new, awesome people. Everyone here is super outgoing and super happy and it is really easy to relate and make friends.
Saturday was one of my roommate's birthdays! Amber. She wanted to go to Animal Kingdom and Epcot...so we did. Oh...and did I mention that I can get in for free!!!! Whenever I want!!! :D It's amazing. We work and we play. That's it! It's amazing.
Sunday-Thursday I had training. So much of it! I worked on the sales floor, had my "merchantainment" class, learned stock, learned the register, took some e-learning classes and tests, and got practice with a lot of different things. Basically, my brain is stuffed full to the brim! Last night, I took my final training assessment and I passed making my training complete and becoming a full employee!!! Im super excited. I really like where I work a lot. The people are super nice, I like working at a resort and I like that I am selling merchandise. I think these next seven months are going to be wonderful and full of new and exciting adventures! Here are some pictures of my adventures so far :)
This was Bethany's first time. She was ridiculously excited. She didn't even know they had rides!
Official name tag!
My room roommate Bethany! Love her!
Mickey Ears!
Me pretending like i am snow white :)
This is Michael, he's a goofy one :)
All in all, I am having such an incredibly magical time here and I am so blessed I have this opportunity! Im so excited to see what comes next! Until next time :) Have a Magical Day! I am off to Hollywood Studios!
PS...As my luck would have it, they are short on Disney Princesses! Auditions are on June 21st!